UNESCO and COL release open education policy document for higher education
Federico Leva (Nemo)
2011-11-04 20:11:12 UTC
It would be interesting to see whether there's something we can learn
about Wikiversity and Wikibooks functioning and promotion, and about OER
promotion by Wikimedia chapters in general.

2011-11-04 22:47:39 UTC
quite seriously i think they broke rule #1 of OER...always distribute
clear and direct information on where to find the raw source...dist of a
PDF with no ref where to find reusable original does not impress me that
they understand the situation...

the PDF also says "printed on recycled paper" at the end...i know ..im
being picky but this is a huge org with massive resources and they can't
get these basics right

Post by Federico Leva (Nemo)
It would be interesting to see whether there's something we can learn
about Wikiversity and Wikibooks functioning and promotion, and about OER
promotion by Wikimedia chapters in general.
Textbook-l mailing list
Adam Hyde
Founder, FLOSS Manuals
Project Manager, Booki
Book Sprint Facilitator
mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
identi.ca : @eset
booki.flossmanuals.net : @adam

Federico Leva (Nemo)
2011-11-04 23:24:31 UTC
Post by adam
quite seriously i think they broke rule #1 of OER...always distribute
clear and direct information on where to find the raw source...dist of a
PDF with no ref where to find reusable original does not impress me that
they understand the situation...
In fact, this isn't in their suggestions either; at p. 21 they say
«Allow the creation of variations and enhancements through open
licences» as if licenses were enough; and the weird "open definition"
they use for unknown reasons http://opendefinition.org/okd/ doesn't
mention source.
I could add that they say «Use open formats wherever possible to make it
easier for alternative access systems and devices to display and control
the resource» but UNESCO page[1] says "Download Acrobat reader". :-/

That said, my question was more a pragmatic one, like: how can I exploit
such (partly) good things UNESCO states to get the management/staff of
my university use and produce more free/open tools and materials?


2011-11-04 23:48:04 UTC
Post by Federico Leva (Nemo)
Post by adam
quite seriously i think they broke rule #1 of OER...always distribute
clear and direct information on where to find the raw source...dist of a
PDF with no ref where to find reusable original does not impress me that
they understand the situation...
In fact, this isn't in their suggestions either; at p. 21 they say
«Allow the creation of variations and enhancements through open
licences» as if licenses were enough; and the weird "open definition"
they use for unknown reasons http://opendefinition.org/okd/ doesn't
mention source.
I could add that they say «Use open formats wherever possible to make it
easier for alternative access systems and devices to display and control
the resource» but UNESCO page[1] says "Download Acrobat reader". :-/
oh man.
Post by Federico Leva (Nemo)
That said, my question was more a pragmatic one, like: how can I exploit
such (partly) good things UNESCO states to get the management/staff of
my university use and produce more free/open tools and materials?
yeah. i guess it can help open up the field for people and that was
their intention. but still...aarhggh! ;)

Post by Federico Leva (Nemo)
Textbook-l mailing list
Adam Hyde
Founder, FLOSS Manuals
Project Manager, Booki
Book Sprint Facilitator
mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
identi.ca : @eset
booki.flossmanuals.net : @adam
