Post by adamquite seriously i think they broke rule #1 of OER...always distribute
clear and direct information on where to find the raw source...dist of a
PDF with no ref where to find reusable original does not impress me that
they understand the situation...
In fact, this isn't in their suggestions either; at p. 21 they say
«Allow the creation of variations and enhancements through open
licences» as if licenses were enough; and the weird "open definition"
they use for unknown reasons doesn't
mention source.
I could add that they say «Use open formats wherever possible to make it
easier for alternative access systems and devices to display and control
the resource» but UNESCO page[1] says "Download Acrobat reader". :-/
That said, my question was more a pragmatic one, like: how can I exploit
such (partly) good things UNESCO states to get the management/staff of
my university use and produce more free/open tools and materials?